
LightTable instarepl depreciated

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The setup instructions for LightTable say to use its Instarepl as the first way to test LightTable is working, however the Clojure Instarepl is now a plugin that is not included by default and therefore no Instarepl command is available without installing the plugin.

Further, the Clojure Instarepl plugin does not have a maintainer and is not used by the core development team of LightTable.

I suggest that the test to see if LightTable is working would just be to run the project, so the content mentioning the Instarepl should be removed.

Hm,,, it may be time to switch to Nightcode. Berlin team has already done that. In any case, Instarepl part should go away.

+1 to moving to Nightcode, at this point.

We switched to use Nightcode 2.1.0. Main curriculum and other materials were updated. Given that, I'm going to close this issue. Thanks for the report! Good luck on your London chapter, @jr0cket !