
Beginner curriculum

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I think @plexus mentioned utilizing as an easier introduction for beginners. Any opinions on integrating this for ClojureBridge?

You should talk to @daveliepmann / @jackrusher / @mhuebert about this, I'm not sure what the current status is. was developed with ClojureBridge in mind, and we tested out Learn Clojure With Shapes with some of the groups at the last ClojureBridge Berlin. I think on the whole this was a positive experience, but the curriculum could still stand to be improved. I'm not sure what the status is on the development of Maria, but I think there might still be some things that need work there as well. was developed with ClojureBridge in mind, and we tested out Learn Clojure With Shapes with some of the groups at the last ClojureBridge Berlin. I think on the whole this was a positive experience, but the curriculum could still stand to be improved.

This is an excellent summary. My talk at ClojureD may give some useful context as well. Basically I think that for some kinds of student, it's better to spend less (ideally zero) time on tooling and explaining language features, and more time manipulating the tangible (in this case visual) output of expressions.

We still occasionally dip into the project to improve and extend it, but we are busy with other projects at the moment. I would love for the curriculum to go further but curriculum is A LOT of work to do right.