
Putting your application online section TBD

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've personally managed to totally ignore this one. Probably just need to pull out the heroku part of the setup and add some details.

Low-hanging fruit here people! :)

Here's the chunk of the setup instructions that could probably just be slapped into another page, cleaned up a bit, then be used for the "putting your application online section."

This is from curriculum/outline/

Go back to your terminal. You should still be in the clojure-sample directory.

Run this command:

heroku create

There should be output about something being created. A URL will be displayed. Look at the following example:

Testing heroku create

Next, run the following commands:

git push heroku master
heroku open

Enter "yes" if you are asked if you are sure you want to connect, like in the following image:

Connecting via SSH

Your browser should open (and take a long time to load), and you should see a website like the following:

Testing heroku working

If your browser does not open after running heroku open, start a browser and go to the URL displayed after you ran heroku create.

Congratulations! That website is running code you have on your computer that you have uploaded. You have actually made a very simple Clojure app, and your computer is all set up to make more.