
Heroku min-lein-version

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After completing the project and following the deploy instructions for global-growth, Heroku's lein complains that it doesn't know how to lein with-profile production trampoline run. This was fixed for me by added :min-lein-version "2.0.0" to project.clj to force Heroku to use lein 2+ instead of 1.7. (The site worked great locally.)

Would love to hear if anyone else can replicate this. I'm using so possible it's just me.

If confirmed this should likely be added to the clojurebridge lein template but could also be included in (or before) the deploy instructions. Happy to do the latter if needed.

This fix was thanks to @cndreisbach by the way.

Dear Mr. @cndreisbach : how should this be handled?

Fixed with PR on global-growth repo