
Update OS X setup with workaround for 10.6.8

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Whatever was keeping Light Table from working on OS X 10.6.8 seems to have been resolved. So if you do the following, LT should be able to run:

"remov[e] key "LSMinimumSystemVersion" from Info.plist"

Here's what needs to be added:


Using Light Table on 10.6.8

Light Table actually does work on OS X 10.6.8. It thinks it does not. To convince it otherwise, do this:

  • Use a text editor to open /Applications/
  • Search for the key LSMinimumSystemVersion
  • Remove that key from the file. Delete this entire text:
  • Save the file, and you should be able to start Light Table.

The troubleshooting section has been added to .
I'm going to close this issue.