- 2
- 3
#274 opened - 5
Send custom response to client
#273 opened - 3
Reading Multiple RTU Slave Devices
#272 opened - 2
- 6
Server Example seems to be broken
#269 opened - 1
- 0
DNP3 Protocol help
#267 opened - 0
typescript exports
#264 opened - 1
- 2
Mistake in
#262 opened - 1
where is API?
#261 opened - 7
Where is API?
#260 opened - 2
Programmatic exception code response
#257 opened - 6
- 6
- 3
static unitId
#251 opened - 3
- 3
Add Modbus UDP
#249 opened - 6
Modbus RTU Continuously Time Out
#247 opened - 1
(server)unhandled event error
#246 opened - 5
Read holding registers CRC mismatch
#243 opened - 17
v4.0 Checklist
#242 opened - 1
- 10
Proposal: TypeScript Support
#239 opened - 5
TypeError: "value" argument is out of bounds
#238 opened - 0
- 5
Excess console logging
#236 opened - 5
#233 opened - 7
- 6
#230 opened - 2
More consistent response bodies, please
#229 opened - 4
readHoldingRegisters - float number expected
#228 opened - 4
Error after receiving the data
#227 opened - 11
Serial gets data, but also times out
#224 opened - 2
CRC issue with node-red
#222 opened - 1
how to change device address
#221 opened - 2
- 3
Clarify the license
#218 opened - 1
Wrong CRC calculation in RTU serial mode
#217 opened - 2
responseDelay for server
#216 opened - 1
Wrong CRC calculation in RTU serial mode
#215 opened - 0
v3.1 Long Term Munin Server
#214 opened - 1
Modbus RTU CRC
#213 opened - 5
not enough data available
#211 opened - 3
- 1
How to read holding registers as a Buffer?
#209 opened - 1
- 1
how to change device address
#207 opened - 2