
No CloudPlayer for players joining with ViaVersion 1.20.2 onto a 1.20.1 server.

jandie1505 opened this issue · 2 comments


No stacktrace.

Actions to reproduce

Proxy: Waterfall version git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.20-R0.2-SNAPSHOT:4d5746a:544
Servers: Paper version git-Paper-126 (MC: 1.20.1)

ViaVersion 4.8.0 is installed on the servers.

When joining with an 1.20.1 client, everything is normal and the player is listed in /cloud players online.

When joining with an 1.20.2 client, the player is not listed in /cloud players online and cannot interact with npcs. Other things using the CloudNet API for players also don't work for this player.

CloudNet version

[30.09 21:26:03.286] INFO: CloudNet Blizzard 4.0.0-RC9 f6ca4c3
[30.09 21:26:03.286] INFO: Discord:
[30.09 21:26:03.286] INFO:
[30.09 21:26:03.287] INFO: ClusterId: 15d889b1--49b8--2a09e7ec4dc7
[30.09 21:26:03.287] INFO: NodeId: Node-1
[30.09 21:26:03.287] INFO: Head-NodeId: Node-1
[30.09 21:26:03.287] INFO: CPU usage: (P/S) .76/9.02/100%
[30.09 21:26:03.288] INFO: Node services memory allocation (U/R/M): 6912/6912/16384 MB
[30.09 21:26:03.288] INFO: Threads: 61
[30.09 21:26:03.288] INFO: Heap usage: 54/256MB
[30.09 21:26:03.288] INFO: JVM: Private Build 17 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
[30.09 21:26:03.288] INFO: Update Repo: CloudNetService/launchermeta, Update Branch: beta


No response

Issue uniqueness

  • Yes, this issue is unique. There are no similar issues.

We have at least found the reason for the problem. But can't offer a fix yet, since the cause (it seems like) is in Bungeecord itself. We are taking a closer look.

We have resolved the issue in PR (#1313) you might want to switch from beta to nightly to get these changes