
Azure OS Provisioning for VM using image created from VM snapshot encountering OSProvisioningTimedOut

niejn opened this issue · 9 comments

niejn commented

when testing test_create_and_list_image, facing OSProvisioningTimedOut, however, the provisioning succeeded eventually.

@niejn Can you paste the full stack trace? This exception looks like it's being raised by Azure, and not CloudBridge, so it may be an issue on their end?

niejn commented

2019-09-26 14-43-03屏幕截图

niejn commented

Thanks a lot, I found the similar issue in azure Is there any way to increase timeout for provisioning a VM?Azure/azure-sdk-for-node#1491. It seems to them, there is no way to increase the timeout, I am curious that whether you faced the same problem before, and how to solve it.

I don't recall having faced this issue no. However, judging by the error message, could it be an image issue with the machine image you're using for the tests? Are you using the default image Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04.0-LTS:latest or using a custom image? Perhaps you could try using a different image by setting the CB_IMAGE_AZURE env var before running the tests?


Also, @almahmoud have you run into this?

@niejn Is this looking good on your end? Can we close this issue?

Hi @nuwang

Good Day!
I'm also facing the above similar error while provisioning a Linux (CentOS) VM using Packer from a custom built image in Azure.

Please advise if you have any suggestions on my below query.

How I built the custom image?

  1. Created a Linux VM using CentOS7.7 Image chosen from Azure Marketplace.
  2. Deprovision it using the below command.
    waagent -deprovision+user
  3. Deallocated and Generalized it.
    Link referred for step2 & 3:
  4. Created a Image using that VM (Ex: Name - Centos-Custom-Image-v1)

I'm able to launch a new VM without any errors with that image from Azure Portal.

Now, I tried to create a new golden image (Ex: New-Centos-golden-Image) by installing necessary packages, dependencies, perform CIS benchmark standard practices in it by using "Packer" on "Centos-golden-Image".

I created it without any errors. While launching a new VM from that new golden image it is taking longer time for deploying (30-40 min) and it failed finally or session has been timed out. When I refresh the page after session timeout, it is showing the attached error message though the VM created successfully.


When I tried to connect the VM (created using golden image) via ssh, it is not at all accepting the credentials. I have updated my ansible playbook to allow password authentication in sshd_config file while creating the image. But it is still not accepting any credentials.

I suspect that the above error caused the VM unusable. Could some one help me on this error?

It would be much helpful. Attached the packer build script also for your [reference.](### url)



Guru Mohan

@gm27rjpm This appears to be an issue on the Azure side of things. Have you checked the size of the resultant image? Perhaps it's very large? The best thing to do may be to contact Azure support and ask them for help on why this might be happening.

@gm27rjpm This appears to be an issue on the Azure side of things. Have you checked the size of the resultant image? Perhaps it's very large? The best thing to do may be to contact Azure support and ask them for help on why this might be happening.

Thank you @nuwang!
I finally completed it using OpenLogic CentOS image available in Azure Market Place.