
When switching vts, wlc_output_created_cb is called without corresponding wlc_output_destroyed_cb

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wlc_output_created_cb is called once when I start up wlc with a matching call to wlc_output_destroyed_cb when wlc gets shut down.
However, each time I switch vts away from wlc and then switch back, wlc_output_created_cb gets called again.
I added a check to wlc_get_outputs, and each time there is still only one output reported (which is correct).
I haven't had an opportunity to examine the source yet so I don't quite know what's going on, but if I had to speculate, I would say that either the output is being destroyed without a wlc_output_destroyed_cb call when the vt is disabled or the wlc_output_created_cb is called each time the vt is activated despite a new output not necessarily being created.