
Navbar current tab is not changing color

RavindraP04 opened this issue ยท 15 comments

As you can see in the, AboutUs page is open but the Tab color green in the navbar is still on Home tab
fix this for all the tabs

Hi, Can I work on this issue?

Sure go ahead @tejash023

Hi I can work on this issue

Hi, I am already working on this and will be creating the PR tom

Hi, I am already working on this and will be creating the PR tom
okay ๐Ÿ‘Œ

@tejash023 What's the progress?

hey @bbsdevloper I have made changes but possible stuck at the header #hero section where, while changing the url, to home in the same page i.e from Open source project link to home, the router is not re-rendering and thus current is set to false.


Working on about:

Please let me know if I am missing something. Thanks

@tejash023 Make a PR.
We will check then what needs to be done

I Think I can Give this one a try If U assign me this One..

@RavindraP04, Could you please assign me this issue? I could work on that.

Assigned @mani200307

The problem is that we are not updating the "current" property of navbar "a" tags when we are moving to different routes. I have adjusted the navbar color change issue. Here is the code..

Screenshot (42)

And here is the preview...

I know that someone has used same thing . But since the issue is not closed, I tried to solve the issue. I think the issue is solved. If there is something wrong, please let me know.

@RavindraP04 could you assign me for this ?

The current navbar colour is not changing according to the page, I have already proposed a solution above. Could you assign me for this?