
IPaddr2 file couldn't execute external binaries

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have been continuing further studying

Right now, I got pacemaker and corosync up and running. However, I am stuck in one part: it seems IPaddr2 couldn't execute external binary. Right now, I've included these codes as suggested in the link above, but I've changed them a bit for debugging purpose:

##### OCI vNIC variables
server="`hostname -s`"


#        Add an interface
add_interface () {

        echo $currentDate >> /home/user1/mylog
        echo "Added Interface" >> /home/user1/mylog

        ##### OCI/IPaddr Integration
        if [ $server = "z2-server-nat1" ]; then

                echo $nat1_vnic >> /home/user1/mylog
                echo $vnicip >> /home/user1/mylog

                oocciivv=`/root/bin/oci -v`
                echo $oocciivv >> /home/user1/mylog

                oouutt1=`/root/bin/oci network vnic assign-private-ip --unassign-if-already-assigned --vnic-id $nat1_vnic  --ip-address $vnicip`
oouutt2=`/bin/systemctl network restart`
echo $oouutt1 >> /home/user1/mylog
                echo $oouutt2 >> /home/user1/mylog

                echo "z2-server-nat1" >> /home/user1/mylog
                /root/bin/oci network vnic assign-private-ip --unassign-if-already-assigned --vnic-id $nat2_vnic  --ip-address $vnicip >> /home/user1/mylog
                /bin/systemctl network restart >> /home/user1/mylog
                echo "z2-server-nat2" >> /home/user1/mylog

        echo "----------" >> /home/user1/mylog

        local cmd msg ipaddr netmask broadcast iface label


After doing some resource moving via:

pcs resource move Cluster_VIP z2-server-nat2
pcs resource move Cluster_VIP z2-server-nat1

I got some results in my /home/user1/mylog file, and it turned out /root/bin/oci and /bin/systemctl have no output whatsoever. The log file got the date, the string "Added Interface", the variable nat1_vnic, the variable vnicip, a few blank lines (which supposed to be the output of oci and systemctl) and the string "z2-server-nat1".

In this case, I see that the script is executed, but it seems it cannot run oci and systemctl for some reasons.

I have also tried creating a file housing:

echo `/root/bin/oci network vnic assign-private-ip --unassign-if-already-assigned --vnic-id ocid1.vnic.oc1.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --ip-address` >> /home/user1/myLogForSimpleSH
echo `/bin/systemctl network restart` >> /home/user1/myLogForSimpleSH

Here, if I run it directly from the terminal with ./, I see that I got the data from oci correctly.

Am I missing something in this case? What is needed for the IPaddr2 file to run external binaries?

Thank you,

I'm sorry, pcs team doesn't work on resource agents, so our ability to resolve issues related strictly to them is limited. Also, it looks like you modified code of the agent. Since we don't have the code and access to OCI environment to reproduce your issue, there's not much we can do. I see you already posted your question to mailing-list. I would also recommend you to contact authors of the tutorial you are following.