Container usage
mrlnc opened this issue · 1 comments
mrlnc commented
I'm using this issue to document my setup. Just running
docker run --name spex -p 80:80 corfr/spex
didn't work for me, e.g., the production
environment requires a mysql
host in place.
Docker Setup
The docker image is available as corfr/spex
or from sources:
host:spex$ docker build -t spex .
Spex stores all downloaded content on disk, and maintains an index in a mysql database. First, set up the mysql server:
host:~$ docker network create spex-net
host:~$ docker run --name spex-mysql --network spex-net -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=spex -d mysql:latest
Connect to the mysql machine and create a database:
host:~$ docker run -it --network spex-net --rm mysql mysql -hspex-mysql -uroot -p
# (mysql is automatically started)
mysql> CREATE DATABASE spex;
Now we can start spex and point it to the MySQL database.
host:~$ docker run --name spex --network spex-net -e MYSQL_ENV_DB_NAME=spex -e MYSQL_ENV_DB_USER=root -e MYSQL_ENV_DB_PASS=spex -e MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR=spex-mysql -p 3000:80 corfr/spex
On first run, you'll need to manually populate the database:
host:~$ docker exec -ti spex bash
spex:~$ cd /home/app/webapp
spex:webapp$ bundle exec rake db:setup
# if the database cannot be manipulated, first disable the security checks and re-execute above command
The spex website is now available on http://localhost:3000