
Day 3 improvement

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As a fellow AoC solver I looked at the day3 solution to see how fast nim was compared to my solution in Tcl. Surprisingly it was much slower (my Tcl solution takes less than a second).
Turns out the calculation of the intersections is very slow because of the algorithm it uses. Just as a FYI the adapted code below calculates the results within 80ms on my system.

import strutils
import sequtils
import math
import sugar
import algorithm
import sets
from sequtils import map
import algorithm

proc readWires(): (seq[string], seq[string]) =
    let file = open("input.txt")
    let wire1Raw = readLine(file)
    let wire1 = wire1Raw.strip().split(",")
    let wire2Raw = readLine(file)
    let wire2 = wire2Raw.strip().split(",")

    return (wire1, wire2)

let (wire1, wire2) = readWires()

proc computePath(instructions: seq[string]): seq[(int, int)] =
    var coord = (0, 0) # x, y, step
    var path: seq[(int, int)]
    for inst in instructions:
        let direction = inst[0]
        let numStep = inst[1..^1].parseInt

        var dx = 0
        var dy = 0

        case direction
        of 'D':
            dy = 1
        of 'L':
            dx = -1
        of 'R':
            dx = 1
        of 'U':
            dy = -1
            echo "Fatal"

        for i in 1..numStep:
            coord[0] += dx
            coord[1] += dy


    return path

let path1 = computePath(wire1)
let path2 = computePath(wire2)

let intersections = toHashSet(path1).intersection(toHashSet(path2)).toSeq

var steps = => (path1.find(x) + path2.find(x), x))

steps.sort( proc (x,y: (int,(int,int))): int =
   cmp(x[0], y[0] ))
echo steps[0]

var manhattan = => (abs(x[0]) + abs(x[1]),x))
manhattan.sort( proc (x,y: (int,(int,int))): int =
   cmp(x[0], y[0] ))
echo manhattan[0]
Coac commented

Yes my implementation is not very smart
Thank you for your version, it's way faster 👍

Lesson I keep relearning myself. Use the stdlib :-)