
Needs a real license

vladionescu opened this issue · 9 comments

Under what license is this project?


@vladionescu good question. I'll get back to you on this

@vladionescu just added a license

Much appreciated 😄

Hey @byt3bl33d3r would you consider switching to a standard and popular license like Apache or MIT? The non-standard license you specify now makes contributions complicated because it's unclear. MIT is the most popular one on GitHub at the moment, it's quite friendly and stipulates that the credit and license be maintained as the code is used and modified.

@vladionescu I'll get back to you on this as soon as I hear something from our legal department :P

Update: I don't work at Coalfire anymore so I have no control/input over what they decide to do in terms of licensing. Maybe @brycebearchell can shed some light on this when he has a chance.

I'm aware of this, working with our Coalfire's legal department.

@vladionescu I've forked this repository ( so that I can continue to update it. The fork is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

Whoops didn't mean to close.