
huge wait during Pod install

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I have a problem with the pod install command.

cocoapod-core version 1.2.1

it hangs on a certain line of code with the master repo:

      def source_with_url(url)                      
        UI.message "source_with_url(#{url} <#{url.class}>)"                                              
        url = url.downcase.gsub(/.git$/, '')        
        url = '' if url =~ %r{[:/]+cocoapods/specs}          
        UI.message "all.size #{all.size}"           
        res = all.find do |source|                  
          UI.message "src=#{source}"                
          UI.message "same=#{source.url.downcase.gsub(/.git$/, '') == url}"                              
          UI.message "same=#{source.url && source.url.downcase.gsub(/.git$/, '') == url}"                

          bb = source.url && source.url.downcase.gsub(/.git$/, '') == url                                
          UI.message "foudn #{bb}"                  
        UI.message "returning #{res}"               


[03:04:39]: ▸ Preparing                                                                                                                                                                                            
[03:04:39]: ▸ fetching sources                                                                                                                                                                                     
[03:04:39]: ▸ config phase done                                                                                                                                                                                    
[03:04:39]: ▸ finding                                                                                                                                           
[03:04:39]: ▸ source_with_url( <String>)                                                                                                                            
[03:04:39]: ▸ all.size 2                                                                                                                                                                                           
[03:04:39]: ▸ src=cleafy-scm-cmob-pod-specs                                                                                                                                                                        
[03:04:39]: ▸ same=true                                                                                                                                                                                            
[03:04:39]: ▸ same=true                             
[03:04:39]: ▸ foudn true                            
[03:04:39]: ▸ returning cleafy-scm-cmob-pod-specs   
[03:04:39]: ▸ returning cleafy-scm-cmob-pod-specs   
[03:04:39]: ▸ finding                                          
[03:04:39]: ▸ source_with_url( <String>)                           
[03:04:39]: ▸ all.size 2                                                      
[03:04:39]: ▸ src=cleafy-scm-cmob-pod-specs         
[03:04:39]: ▸ same=false                            
[03:04:39]: ▸ same=false                            
[03:04:39]: ▸ foudn false                           
[03:04:39]: ▸ src=master                            
[03:04:39]: ▸ same=true                             
[03:04:39]: ▸ same=true                             
[03:07:25]: ▸ foudn true                            
[03:07:25]: ▸ returning master                                                               

As you can see that string comparison took about 3 minutes, any coue about what is going on ?

OS: System Version: OS X 10.11.6 (15G31)
Using fastlane bundle with ruby 2.2.4p230 (2015-12-16 revision 53155) [x86_64-darwin15]

Thank you for any help 😊

Given that you perform the same exact == comparison on the line above, in the string interpolation for message, I highly doubt that's the cause

Thank you for your hint 😊

Putting a STDOUT.flush after the UI.message let me saw the message before the delay.
So the delay comes when iterating to the next item in all. Looking deeper.

Going to go ahead an close this as it doesn't seem to be reproducible. Feel free to comment with additional info or open another issue if you find the root of the issue