
pod install fails when project name has smart quotes

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The pod file smart quote sanitizing is over-zealous and removes them even from the project name.

It also didn't warn about smart quotes on pod init -- only on pod install.

You should turn off smart quotes in your text editor, this will solve the problem. Generally the CocoaPods is confused and displays an error. BTW if you are using any CI tools then you should probably update your pod file.

As I mentioned in my bug report, the problem isn't with the text editor; it's when the project name itself has a curly quote (on purpose!). The pod install command fails because it's stripping all curly quotes, even when they are already legitimately quoted.

For example, this (arguably valid) Podfile fails to pod install.

platform :ios, '11.0'
target 'That’s Mine' do
  pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.7'

It’s a legit issue, but one I doubt we’ll be able to fix. For now, I’d recommend using \uxxxx to represent the smart quote in your podfile

Thank you. I'll use \u2019 for . As also mentioned, it would also be nice to get the quotes warning on pod init and not just pod install.