
[Feature Request] Support YAML for podspec and JSON for Podfile

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I found that, the Podfile support ruby and yaml, not the json, but the podspec support ruby and json, not the yaml.

The Podfile:

    def self.from_file(path)
      path =
      unless path.exist?
        raise Informative, "No Podfile exists at path `#{path}`."

      case path.extname
      when '', '.podfile', '.rb'
      when '.yaml'
        raise Informative, "Unsupported Podfile format `#{path}`."

The podspec:

    def self.from_string(spec_contents, path, subspec_name = nil)
      path =
      spec = nil
      Dir.chdir( ? path.parent : Dir.pwd) do
        case path.extname
        when '.podspec'
          spec = ::Pod._eval_podspec(spec_contents, path)
          unless spec.is_a?(Specification)
            raise Informative, "Invalid podspec file at path `#{path}`."
        when '.json'
          spec = Specification.from_json(spec_contents)
          raise Informative, "Unsupported specification format `#{path.extname}` for spec at `#{path}`."

      spec.defined_in_file = path
      spec.subspec_by_name(subspec_name, true)

I known it is not a important feature for using same format, but I still create this issue. Has Somebody free time to add the format support?

By the way, the command line could convert podfile to yaml, but could not convert the podspec to yaml:


    $ pod ipc COMMAND

      Inter-process communication


    + list                  Lists the specifications known to CocoaPods
    + podfile               Converts a Podfile to YAML
    + podfile-json          Converts a Podfile to JSON
    + repl                  The repl listens to commands on standard input
    + spec                  Converts a podspec to JSON
    + update-search-index   Updates the search index

JSON for Podfile was discussed and reject here #545

I think it is strange that I could get the json from Podfile and could not pass the json to Cocoapods.

And the podspec is same.

orta commented

We built pod ipc podfile-json for the CocoaPods Mac app I believe, which didn't need to read JSON podfiles, but as a GUI it was very useful to get a JSON equivalent.

Yes, I agree that. I have an app to handle the cocoapods, it likes CocoaPods Mac app. But I have a feature to generate the Podfile, and read it. It is too slow to pod ipc podfile-json, and it hard to write a Podfile( it is a ruby script ). I could not use some model tools ( eg: JSONModel ).

For example, I use the yaml formatter for Podfile, and use the json formatter for podspec. I must have two libraries to handle them. Of cause, it is not too hard, but I think it is very strange.