

thardes2 opened this issue · 11 comments

I have the following code.
` var filePath = "Settings.json"

    storage.set(filePath, "{'balance': 1000.21, 'num':100, 'is_vip':true, 'name':'foo'}")
        .then(data => {
        .catch(err => {

    storage.get(filePath, (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {

The data is written to the Settings.json under C:\Users\thardes2\AppData\Roaming\MyApp, but when I try to get them with the get function I get the following error:

The file in path C:\Users\thardes2\AppData\Roaming\MyApp/Settings.json is not a valid json file

So the format of the path is wrong. As you can see, I am just using the example provided in the README.
Any idea or solution to this?

Thank you :-)

It might be caused by the double quotes in the setter.
Try setting the json without double quotes.
For example:
storage.set('somepath.json', {prop1: 'value', prop2: 1234}

If its not the case, can you paste here the data of the json file after being set?


Tried it this way:
storage.set(filePath, {'balance': 1000.21, 'num':100, 'is_vip':true, 'name':'foo'}) .then(data => { console.log(data); }) .catch(err => { console.error(err); });
It still gives me the same error

The written data looks like this:


Can you provide us the setting.json file in here?

Here it is

Hi thardes2, there is an issue on Windows, I'll solve it as soon as I'll get to a computer!

Hi @Ran-Y - Thank you very much :-)

Hi, @thardes2
I hope that it will solve the issue !

Thank you very much. This seems to solve the issue :-)

I got the same error on windows too, is the issue come back?

Hi there. I get the same error on macOS.

var data = new Object(); = name;
    data.address = address;

    storage.set('customers.json', data)
    .then(() => {
      console.log('Data saved successfully!')
    .catch((err) => {

It writes to the file but then when I use the get function,

var oldData = storage.get('customers.json')
    .then(d => {
    .catch(err => {

It gives me that same error.

And here is what the console gives:

Error: The file in path /Users/syncster31/Library/Application Support/ASMS/customers.json is not a valid json file
at /Users/syncster31/Documents/Programming/Electron/my-app/node_modules/electron-storage/dist/index…:37
at tryToString (fs.js:449)
at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:436)

Same error for me