
Minimalistic generation of random colourful particles that move :stuck_out_tongue:

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Minimalistic generation of random colourful particles that move (Can be used as a dynamic background) 😛

See how it looks : https://codhek.github.io/porticle.js/


Clone or Zip the repository, include the porticle.js in your html header along with the file porticle.css.

<script src="porticle.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="porticle.css">


function porticle(numParts, numSize, type) {

  • numParts : Number of bubbles
  • numSize : maximum size of any bubble
  • type : Includes 3 modes, ["mono", "color", "mix"]

    <script src="porticle.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="porticle.css">
    var porticle = porticle(100, 30, "mix");


mono :

Monochromatic color scheme, shades between white and black. alt

color :

Generated bubbles of random colors. alt

mix :

Mix of the above two modes, has shades between black & white mixed with colorful bubbles. alt