
:sunglasses: Simple gsoc data scraper, search for any keyword and instantly get data about the orgs that match your search criteria, use filters to sort and analyse the data, uses fuzzy-searching to improve user-search experience

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple gsoc data scraper, search for any keyword and get data about the orgs that match your search criteria

Try it out here: https://pysocjs.herokuapp.com/

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Use FILTERS to Sort and Analyse the Data, lets you sort data based on the number of selections.

Perform Complex Search Queries, by adding multiple search parameters.


Added Fuzzy Logic to search, incase search parameters don't match! Suggests the best matching organisation.


Also view in which years has the organisation been selected in the past 3 years, with it's total selection in the past years. -> ORG SELECTION option.
