
I quiz about mushrooms

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mushroom Quiz

This page include a quiz about mushrooms. You get a picture with a mushroom on and you need to press the button with the right answer and you get correct or incorrect score.

Responsice Mockup


Existing Features


Startscreen This is the start screen. Here you see a picture of a mushroom and get a button to start the quiz.


Questionscreen In this screen you get a new picture of a mushroom and three new buttons with answers. When you press the right answer you get a point to the correct score counter or if you are wrong you get a point to the incorrect counter. When you have pressed an answer you get a new question.


endscreen Here the pictures will disappear and you will get a restart button to start over the quiz with.

Features Left to Implement

In the future i will change the style of the answercounters and make them bigger in the endscreen. A feature that is left to implement is a function that will show right and wrong answers when you press the buttons, so you will learn.


I have tried the site in Chrome and Microsoft edge and it worked the same in both browsers. I tried the page on a Samsung galaxy s20 and it worked as it should. I confirmed that my site is responsiv through the use of devtools in chrome and you can see it at the mockup on top of this Readmefile.

Validator Testing


No errors were returned when passing through the official W3C validator


No errors were found when passing through the official (Jigsaw) validator


No errors were found when passing through JSHint.




The site was deployed to GitHub pages.

The steps to deploy are as follows: In the GitHub repository, navigate to the Settings tab. Press pages under Code and automation in the menu. Under source you press the dropdown menu and choose main and press save. Now the page is deployed and you can find the link in the blue box. Here is the live link for my project: https://gurranasan.github.io/-mushroom-quiz/



For the shuffle function is borrowed code from itecnote.
I read on W3schools to refresh my memorie of how some code works.


The photos came from wikipedia.