
Just seein php_version as a metric version

Opened this issue · 3 comments

cgomm commented

I installed your plugin by first download the current master, made composer update -o. Than I zipped the hole folder and uploaded it by using the interface of WP.

Did I reproduce anything of your documentation wrong?

I just don't see any other metric than this:

I hope, you can help me.

WP Version: 6.2

cgomm commented

Okay, as far as I see, a admin has to define define('PROMETHEUS_METRICS_FOR_WP_DISABLE_CACHE', 'true') within the wp-config.php, I would add this to the readme?

Mte90 commented

That constant disable the transient that cache daily the metrics

and regenerate everything at every call.

@cgomm As it is only possible to send numeric values, I've added the actual PHP Version as a "version" label... The Prometheus Client library has this as default metric included.

But it would be a good idea to just send the PHP_VERSION_ID as the actual value.