
Feature request: please consider using gauges

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

first of all thanks for this plugin — I'm not using it myself but like the idea. I'm opening this PR because I think you should consider to use gauges instead of counters. According the the prometheus documentation:

As posts and pages can be deleted, I would say that a gauge is most appropriated in most cases. This stackoverflow post is worth reading.

Hope this helps !

Mte90 commented

Thanks :-)
This is an issue and not a pull request, just to be sure.

Anyway about Prometheus I am not using it, I mean I use it with Grafana this plugin so I have a dashboard (in the readme) there with a better UI.

If you want to a pull request to improve that support I will be happy to merge it!

Mte90 commented

I think that is ready to be release as new version.
I will update the grafana dashboard with the new parameters etc in the next days.
I don't know if you @scrobbleme had other ideas to implement on that?

@Mte90 Thanks, I think a first release would be good to gather some feedback.
I'm not familiar with Grafana. I still wonder, that I managed to get InfluxDB with the scrapers working ;)

Ideas (I'm not familiar with)

  • Use Github Actions to automatically build and publish releases
  • Use Github Actions to somehow automatically sync with WordPress SVN? (I don't know why they still are using SVN anyway, annoying)
  • Include more meta data like PHP, Apache, ... version...
  • Maybe a push alternative in addition to the pull method?
Mte90 commented

So tested with grafana and everything is working with no issue also with the previous dashboard.
To release it on the wordpress repo is not a big problem, there are already scripts but I don't know if it is worth it.

I guess that we can close this ticket and do a new 2.0 release. So we can see if it is needed to extend it more.