
Example config loader for http-master

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This example repository shows how to provide config to http-master from a remote source. Http is used in here but obviously any other asynchronous config fetching method can be used, for example fetching from Redit, MySQL etc.

About config loaders

Config loader can be any Node.JS module (along with its node_modules) which may reside anywhere on the filesystem.

This module should export a function which accepts 3 arguments: argv - object representing http-master arguments, may be used for convenience data - utf8 content of file read by --config finish - function with parameters (err, config) which the module should call after receiving a request. It may also be called when after initial request the config has changed.

Note: if --watchConfig was passed, this function may be called multiple times due to file passed as --config changing

module.exports = function(argv, data, finish) {
 // module logic here

Using example loader

  • Clone into /path/to/http-master-example-httploader and install dependencies with npm install

  • Create config.json with contents (or use example one from this repo for demo)

  "url": "https://raw2.github.com/CodeCharmLtd/http-master-example-httploader/master/sample.json"

http-master --config config.json --configloader /path/to/http-master-example-httploader --show-rules

Making a general use loader

One could publish a loader to NPM and allow global install. You could then use it as. npm install -g http-master-example-httploader

http-master --config config.json --configloader http-master-example-httploader --show-rules