
Make Site Extension for Azure Web Apps

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Is Kudu a host program that lives within Azure and loads extensions? Or did you just use it as template code?

This is Kudu that runs all the extensions. I found out that this will only work for sites that deploy using Git (which makes sense).

Next we need to have the Web app read off the local repository.
Pathing looks like this: \site\repository\

To deploy to an Azure website as an extension you currently need to:

  • Compile solution
  • Publish using the local.pubxml
  • Run /SiteExtension/deploy.cmd

Publishing: creates directory in /SiteExtension/PublishProfiles/...
Runing batch: creates zip to deploy; and deploys to specified Kudu site.

I have just confirmed that we can read the Git repository from the web app. I just need some help wiring up this directory as being the source directory!

Does every website/web app have a git repository? I will run try tomorrow morning on my website.
What's the directory path?

Check out SourceBrowser.Samples project for how to supply the path and start SourceBrowser.
I'll check out your fork and see where you are.