

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I want to make this compatible with a quickshop plugin that listens to chat events to set up the shop. Can you help add this to the listener? He added herochat but said he doesn't have time to add FreeBungeeChat. Any help would be appreciated! For now I have enabled the /g Global Chat Option but that is not ideal.

The Problem with this is that FreeBungeeChat handles chatmessages on a bungeelevel, so a bukkit plugin will never be able to get the chat before it is send (and canceled) by FreeBungeeChat. The same problem comes with a quest-plugin I tested, citizens, and many others.

But yes this almost killed FreeBungeeChat as chat plugin for me, I ended up with modifying the code for my purpose, which broke many other things, but these weren't as important for me as the changes I made...

An official solution is what we really need. But I'm not sure if this will ever come, because the last commit have been so long...

I added to the TabList and MOTD that players must use /g for global chat. Seems to work for "Good" players that actually READ, and those that don't, well, oh well, probably not players we want on our servers anyway! Thx! :)