
๐Ÿž Source Navigator: File name changed using source navigator successfully, but the source navigator seems not updating itself

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When I attempt to create a new file from within the source navigator, its name defaults to 'untitled.sth',in which 'sth', namely the file extension, appears to be consistent to my project language, for instance, if I am working on a Python3 project, it is 'py'.

The problem lies in that source navigator seems not updating itself as file structure changes.

  1. When I create a new file using the source navigator, the '' file appears in it, but when I attempt to change its name, the navigator does not reflect the change immediately.
  2. There is the same problem when it comes to creating a folder and then changing its name.
  3. When I press the plus button at the lower-left corner of the window to create a new file or folder, the navigator does not reflect it immediately, either - the file or folder simply does not appear in the navigator.
  4. At this time, if you consult Finder, you notice the files and folders are actually created, names changed, but the navigator simply does not reflect.

To Reproduce

To reproduce the number one bug:

  1. create an empty folder in a random directory, and open it in CodeEdit.
  2. create a new file inside the folder using the navigator, and attempt to change its name.
  3. The 'untitled.sth' appears as you create it, but it doesn't reflect the new name you give to that file.
  4. Consult Finder, you would see that the file is actually created, its name actually changed.

To reproduce the number two bug, try creating a folder using the navigator in the said directory, and attempt to change its name, and just observe such similar bug

To reproduce the number three bug:

  1. try opening a random folder in CodeEdit, and click on the said plus button, click on "Add File" item in the pop-up menu.
  2. Consult Finder and you notice the 'untitled.sth' file is actually created, but it doesn't appear at all in the source navigator.
  3. Same with a new folder.

Expected Behavior

When I create a file or folder by using the source navigator:

  1. Make sure it is actually created in the file system, and
  2. it appears in the navigator as I create it, and
  3. if I change its name, the navigator reflects the change as I do so.

When I click on the plus button, and choose to create a file or folder by that means:

  1. Make sure it is actually created in the file system, and
  2. it appears in the navigator as I create it.

Version Information

CodeEdit: 0.3.3-alpha (44)
macOS: Darwin notRachels-Mac-mini.local 23.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.6.0: Thu Sep 12 23:34:49 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.141.1.701.1~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 arm64 macOS 14.7.1 (23H222)
Xcode: Not installed

Additional Context

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I am seeing pull/1940, may be key to my problem, probably a duplicate of that