
Move the address of the Facility from under the Contact Information to Under the Facility Name

Closed this issue · 1 comments

User Story

As a user of the HealthCare RollCall UI
I'd like to have the Facility address moved from Under "Contact Information" to Under the Facility Name
So that I am not confused by the address and understand that it is the address of the Facility, not the address of the Contact

Acceptance Criteria

  • Facility address is no longer under Contact Information on the Facility Check-In page
  • Facility address is under the Facility Name on the Facility Check-In page
  • Contacts are still listed under Contact Information on the Facility Check-In page
  • PR merged to master


Here is an example of what it currently looks like. The address under "Contact Information" should be moved to under the Facility Name:

I'm closing this issue, it seems like it has already been completed