
Is this repo dead?

Timu57 opened this issue · 4 comments

this project/ app looks awesome. I just recently downloaded the CodeHub app because the official GitHub App is lacking many features.
The App looks great so fare and I think it has great potential, so I bought premium to support this project.
But unfortunately it seems like this project/ repo is dead?!
There are many many issues and no real commits since over one year.

Would be nice to know if there is a roadmap and if this project and app is dead or not.

Good questions! I agree.

@Timu57 The project is not dead but has certainly take a back seat for me recently. Unfortunately, 2 kids will do that to you. Regardless, I do intend to return to the project. I've been trying to carve out time more and more to at least start answering issues, or culling open issues as well as identifying places where I can start attacking.

@thedillonb Many thanks for the update. All good wishes to you and the family!

@thedillonb I thank you too for your update and thank you for this awesome project. Sure, your are right, sometimes its hard to carve out time for and many other things are more important than this project 🥰