
Image Vista Android App built using Jetpack Compose, Material 3, Splash Screen, Paging 3, Coil, Dagger Hilt, Compose Navigation, Retrofit and Room.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Image Vista Android App

Welcome to the Image Vista Android App repository. We will build an amazing Android application that showcases beautiful images from the Unsplash API. We'll be using a range of powerful libraries and frameworks to build our app. Here's what you'll learn: Jetpack Compose, Material 3, Splash Screen, Paging 3, Coil, Dagger Hilt, Compose Navigation, Retrofit and Room.

Course Overview

This course covers a range of topics including:

  • Jetpack Compose: To build the User Interface
  • Material 3: To Design a beautiful and consistent UI.
  • Splash Screen: To create a captivating splash screen for our app.
  • Paging 3: To Implement efficient and smooth infinite scrolling.
  • Coil: To Load and display images effortlessly.
  • Dagger Hilt: To Manage dependency injection for cleaner, modular code.
  • Compose Navigation: To Navigate between screens seamlessly.
  • Retrofit: To Make network requests and handle API responses.
  • Room: To Store and manage local data.

Youtube Playlist

🎥 All videos can be found on the YouTube Course Playlist.

Screenshot (177)


If you find any issues or would like to contribute to the course content, feel free to create a pull request or open an issue.


If you find the course valuable, consider buying me a coffee to support the creation of more content.

Happy learning and building amazing Android apps!