
Sign up with GitHub button off-center on mobile site

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The sign up with GitHub button is slightly off-center on the mobile site. It's very minor, but kind of weird looking since the text below it is centered. See the screenshot below for an example.

2015-02-28 23 34 33

Center the sign up button on mobile displays.

To Do

  • Adjust button placement to be centered in mobile views

Additional Info
Use Foundation 4 standards & classes for media queries, etc:

Hi @courte , you may remember me from the open source talk you gave at the coding school downtown about 2 weeks ago. I got my dev environment for CodeMontage up tonight and took a stab at this issue. Here are some screenshots before/after and two screen sizes (desktop and iphone5). I believe I submitted a pull request, but I think it got assigned a different issue number (#391)? This is my first pull request - ever - so please let me know how to be better next time or if I should make any changes for this one!



I'm also confused by the reference to this issue from Mar 21st (#368) since the reference has errors, but it looks like it was merged? Does it mean this issue is already resolved and I just can't see it? I hope this isn't an inappropriate place for such a long message.