
Use & Confirm Relative Lengths in Our CSS (All of It!)

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Many of our stylesheets use absolute lengths (pixels) instead of relative ones (percentages, ems). It leads to odd styling in weird places and frustrating development.

Where it makes sense, please transition from using px to using percentages or ems in our stylesheets.

To Do
Adjust relative lengths for:

  • assets/stylesheets/code_good_day.scss
  • events.css.scss
  • footer.css.scss
  • header.css.scss
  • home.css.scss
  • index.css.scss
  • navigation.css.scss
  • projects.css.scss

Additional Info
This has the capacity to subtly muck up a lot of things in the view. Please:

  • only work with one view or stylesheet per pull request;
  • search for selector repetition in other stylesheets and views to confirm you're only impacting one view;
  • share before and after screenshots in your pull request; and
  • use (Foundation 4 standards)[] when necessary.

Note: Anyone who takes part of this on is seriously heroic and should be applauded. Immediately. 👏 👏