
Fix Password Recovery Token bug

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Password recovery is not working in either staging or production environments.
screenshot 2015-04-06 17 00 29

It's unclear what exactly is causing this issue. Please dig into this error message and/or Devise password recovery tokens and help clarify this issue. Then you or we can fix it! 😄

To Do

  • Research the source of this bug (share resources & info in comments on this issue)
  • Share resources & info discovered in the comments on this issue
  • Determine what code is causing the bug
  • Fix the bug

It looks like there was a small issue in reset_password_instructions.html.erb. When devise gem was updated from 2.2.8 to 3.3.0 in Sept 26, 2014 a small bug was introduced because Devise version 3.1.0 changed how devise handled this view.


Specific Lines:

The Devise mailer and its views were changed to explicitly receive a token argument as @token. You will need to update your mailers and re-copy the views to your application with rails g devise:views

  • deprecations

Token authentication is deprecated

has this been fixed?