Full Stack Software Developer. I enjoy picking apart problems and thinking about the overall architecture of a project.
Pinned Repositories
Using all the new features of NextJS 13.4 (stable app dir), this AI prompt sharing full stack app (via new server routes) has complete CRUD operations, uses next-auth 2023, and mongodb for the db. Users can be authenticated to post amazing prompts to use with AI tools, and authorized to edit or delete only their own posts, and view (read) others.
Landing Page for a Marketing Company. This website utilizes NextJs 13 app dir (stable) as well as tailwindcss and framer motion for beautiful styling.
An Admin E-commerce SAAS application to make other E-commerce stores using custom CMS. Uses MySql with prisma, Clerk for Auth, Shadcn for components, and Typescript for type safety (including zod for form type safety).
my personal landing page made with nextjs 13 app dir, tailwind css, and advanced framer motion including variants
Website for an Osteopath. Full Stack app using route handlers, and server actions with MongoDB. Users can register and book appointments, and the Osteopath and see that data in datatables, and also add notes to said data table
Nutritionist Website made with NextJS 13.4 (stable), includes stripe payments and booking via Calendly api. Beautiful Frontend made with tailwindcss and framer motion, back end powered with Sanity v3
MERN stack app. To communicate with backend REST api, as well as employ superior and efficient caching, I use Redux Toolkit Query. This helps reduce unnecessary api calls, and component re renders via the caching system, and using memoized selectors. For authentication and authorization, I employ JWT's which help protect specific routes.
CodeOnTheWall's Repositories
Nutritionist Website made with NextJS 13.4 (stable), includes stripe payments and booking via Calendly api. Beautiful Frontend made with tailwindcss and framer motion, back end powered with Sanity v3
An Admin E-commerce SAAS application to make other E-commerce stores using custom CMS. Uses MySql with prisma, Clerk for Auth, Shadcn for components, and Typescript for type safety (including zod for form type safety).
my personal landing page made with nextjs 13 app dir, tailwind css, and advanced framer motion including variants
Using all the new features of NextJS 13.4 (stable app dir), this AI prompt sharing full stack app (via new server routes) has complete CRUD operations, uses next-auth 2023, and mongodb for the db. Users can be authenticated to post amazing prompts to use with AI tools, and authorized to edit or delete only their own posts, and view (read) others.
Landing Page for a Marketing Company. This website utilizes NextJs 13 app dir (stable) as well as tailwindcss and framer motion for beautiful styling.
In this pure front end react app, I thoroughly practiced the various react hooks such as useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer, and also making my own custom hooks. This also allowed to to brush up on my JavaScript within the cart logic and around the app.
Website for an Osteopath. Full Stack app using route handlers, and server actions with MongoDB. Users can register and book appointments, and the Osteopath and see that data in datatables, and also add notes to said data table
My personal portfolio page/resume. Utilizes new NextJS 13 app dir and Sanity v3 to power the backend. Designed with Framer Motion and Tailwind CSS
routing, middleware, express, authentication/authorization, protected routes, jwts/accesstokens/refreshTokens, user roles, mongoose and mongo, async CRUD
MERN stack app. To communicate with backend REST api, as well as employ superior and efficient caching, I use Redux Toolkit Query. This helps reduce unnecessary api calls, and component re renders via the caching system, and using memoized selectors. For authentication and authorization, I employ JWT's which help protect specific routes.
Pure FullStack JavaScript Campsite review website utilizing Node API calls and MongoDB/Mongoose
NextJS 13.4 stable app dir showcasing the new core features such as static, dynamic, client, and ISR data fetching and caching. I also include dynamic (generateMetadata) within dynamic routes. Written completely in Typescript
client project for a same day surgery clinic. Working on inventory system and clinic creation for now
A SPA displaying the top gainers and losers in the US equities market. Built with VueJS 3 and the compositions api.