
Bug report from, CommanderCat#5461 (Discord)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Opening a chest crashes my game
While opening a chest when holding the values thing (iron bar in /code) My game crashes

Build 799

Windows 10

Expected Result Open Values Menu

Actual Result Game Crashes

Exit Code: -1

[Discord] TechStreet#3250: <@!695384359812857906> Could you please send a crash log?

[Discord] CommanderCat#5461: Uh how do i get that?

[Discord] CommanderCat#5461: I thought the exit code was the crash log

[Discord] TechStreet#3250: .minecraft/crash-reports/

[Discord] TechStreet#3250: Make your game crash and then get the latest crash report

Duplicate of issue #117