
Feature request from, Francidium#3652 (Discord)

Opened this issue · 16 comments

Like the star for codeutils users, add a yellow down arrow on the tablist that shows who is currently on your plot, or a gray arrow to show if someone is in one of your plots

[Discord] Francidium#3652: ex: Your playing one of your games (Everyone that's playing the game you are also playing) has a yellow arrow besides their name

[Discord] Francidium#3652: ex: Your playing one of your games (Everyone that's playing the game you are also playing) has a yellow arrow besides their name

[Discord] Francidium#3652: ex: Someone is in one of your games (they have a gray arrow by their name)

[Discord] Francidium#3652: ex: Someone is in one of your games (they have a gray arrow by their name)

[Discord] TechStreet#3250: How are we supposed to get this info

[Discord] TechStreet#3250: Do you want us to /locate the whole node and make you get kicked for spam

[Discord] Francidium#3652: nah just in tab

[Discord] TechStreet#3250: Thats the whole node

[Discord] Francidium#3652: tru

[Discord] Francidium#3652: like the codeutils star (appears by name in tab)

[Discord] TechStreet#3250: Thats not /locating

[Discord] TechStreet#3250: Thats using our server

[Discord] Francidium#3652: ok no clue what's going on here but im assuming it's a no so imma go

[Discord] reason#0949: Well actually all players on a plot show at the bottom of the tablist

[Discord] TechStreet#3250: Not if your in /dev

[Discord] reason#0949: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯