
Accredible Volunteer badges

Opened this issue · 4 comments

@SallyMcGrath I have created a mock version of a code review badge
This has helped me highlight some things I am not sure of.

  • Will the growth from 1 -5 in the field (example code review) be a pathway?
  • Would we refer to the levels themselves on the badge? i.e include 1/2/3 etc
  • Regarding the branding of the volunteer badges, you mentioned the Experience badge would shade from white to black. Based on the mock-up I have done, where do you see this colour variation sitting?

In the framework I shared, I defined volunteer badges as pentagons (I meant to say hexagon). I've edited your badge to match the framework (which isn't fixed in stone or anything, but might make things clearer) I defined.

Ah, I picked the one I chose as it had 5 sides, so was a pentagon.
This one you have selected is a hexagon?

Ah! Ok cool - understood.

In my mind I was thinking hexagons are the bestagons, so obviously I chose hexagons. But unaccountably I wrote pentagon throughout. But pentagons are undoubtedly evil!