Automatize releasing Gradle projects to Maven Central.
Pinned issues
- 6
Execution failed for task ':closeRepository'.
#217 opened by softknife2021 - 6
- 5
Nexus staging plugin connects to old OSS server. The new one should be
#200 opened by therock24 - 8
- 9
Still encountering "stagingRepositoryId is not provided"
#158 opened by io7m - 12
- 10
How to handle DEPRECATION WARNING. The staging repository ID is not provided?
#127 opened by pwittchen - 3
Could you please migrate to `Property<...>` APIs?
#124 opened by vlsi - 3
- 23
Plugin reports failure despite successful release
#110 opened by io7m - 1
Adjust plugin build to changes in Gradle 5
#81 opened by szpak - 0
- 0
Document maintanance mode and migration recommendation
#193 opened by szpak - 0
Remove deprecated promoteRepository task
#83 opened by szpak - 1
staginProfileId not honored
#192 opened by lamba92 - 3
Java 13 EA CI server sanity build
#118 opened by szpak - 0
Detect credentials not being set
#153 opened by szpak - 19
Repo is closed but task fails
#182 opened by JavierSegoviaCordoba - 5
- 1
Task :releaseRepository FAILED
#162 opened by RoRoche - 6
- 14
- 5
- 1
Plugin not working on Gradle 6
#141 opened by larsgrefer - 0
The staging repository ID is not provided
#134 opened by hbrackmann - 7
Switch retrying messages to info
#82 opened by Vampire - 1
- 1
Automatically upgrade dependencies with Dependabot
#79 opened by szpak - 2
Execute e2e tests on Travis also for Java 11
#74 opened by szpak - 1
- 1
- 4
Cannot apply plugin from another .gradle file
#85 opened by burdoto - 3
Multiple staging profiles created on upload by Gradle in Travis causes closeRepository task to fail
#76 opened by pavolloffay - 1
Check runtime compatibility with Gradle 5
#78 opened by szpak - 0
- 13
Fails to close/release
#69 opened by pavolloffay - 0
Release from Travis only if all builds are green
#75 opened by szpak - 2
- 1
Verify Java 11 compatibility
#73 opened by szpak - 1
Verify Java 9 compatibility
#68 opened by szpak - 1
Upgradle gradle-animalsniffer-plugin to 1.4.0
#61 opened by szpak - 7
Problems with closing and releasing an artifact
#72 opened by pwittchen - 0
CodeNarc to check Groovy code
#66 opened by szpak - 0
- 0
Unable to upload artifacts to staging repo using the nexus-staging-gradle plugin
#62 opened by mkonyala - 3
- 1
E2E tests should not be enabled in PR builds
#56 opened by szpak - 1
- 1
- 2
releaseRepository FAILED but Succeded
#55 opened by bartoszwalacik