
[Concept Entry] Javascript: Nullish Coalescing

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Reason/inspiration (optional)

We would like a new entry on the 'Nullish Coalescing' concept under Javascript. The entry should go in a new file under docs/content/javascript/concepts/nullish-coalescing/

The entry should include:

  • An introduction to the concept
  • A Syntax section that provides the syntax for the concept
  • An Example section that provides an example demonstrating the concept in use

Please refer to the concept entry template, content standards and markdown style guide when working on the PR for this issue.

Entry Type (select all that apply)

New Concept Entry for Existing Topic

Code of Conduct

  • By submitting this issue, I agree to follow Codecademy Doc's Code of Conduct.

For Maintainers

  • Labels added
  • Issue is assigned

Hello, is it ok if i try to tackle this?

Hey @hitomipupil You’re assigned 🎉 In addition to the documents linked in the description, please also look at the Contribution Guide. After creating a PR, the maintainer(s) (with the collaborator label) will add comments/suggestions to address any revisions before approval.

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