Bug: Get started opens login modal for signed-in users
hiteshwadhwani opened this issue · 6 comments
hiteshwadhwani commented
Codehagen commented
Thanks for the issue @hiteshwadhwani - Something you want to look at? ✨
AkshayBandi027 commented
Hey! @Codehagen, I want to work this issue. If user is authenticated then Getstarted button redirects user to docs ?
Codehagen commented
Redirect it to /dashboard after sign in.
If they are signed in and press the button redirect to dashboard.
You can write (.take) without the () to get assigned the issue 👍 @AkshayBandi027
github-actions commented
Thanks for taking this issue! Let us know if you have any questions!
github-actions commented
The issue you are trying to assign to yourself is already assigned.
Codehagen commented
You want it @AkshayBandi027? 👏🏻