
All labels were removed when jq parsing failed.

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It appears that all labels are removed when an unexpected json is returned from github.
I think it should be fail-safe in case of unexpected errors.

local -r body=$(curl -sSL -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" -H "$GITHUB_API_HEADER" "$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/pulls/$pr_number")
local labels=$(echo "$body" | jq .labels | jq -r ".[] | .name" | grep -w -e "$xs_label" -e "$s_label" -e "$m_label" -e "$l_label" -e "$xl_label" -v)


Labeling pull request with size/XL
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot iterate over null (null)
Final labels: "size/XL"
  "message": "Problems parsing JSON",
  "documentation_url": "",
  "status": "400"

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