
Не пускает в админку

yuri25 opened this issue · 8 comments

Ничего не делал - почему то нет доступа в админ панель:(


В чем может быть проблема?

В базе данных в таблице user такие данные:
id int(11) 1
full_name varchar(255) John Smith
username varchar(255) admin
phone varchar(255) 0(0)99766899
email varchar(255) admin@admin
password varchar(255) $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=4,p=1$tAUiy/hmpKy8QzOwFXJw/A$2aDUW4/bdAcRZRtcdc5hq6HKmIBTfAfg4/wWm3eoMpE
roles json ["ROLE_ADMIN"]

Вот в поле password так и должно быть? Мне кажется что там не только пароль а до пароля еще какие то данные....

Попробуйте очистить Cookie в браузере

P.S. У меня в базе вот такой хэш пароля admin: $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=4,p=1$VE42SlpualZWUHhYeWMxSA$YiB2lbzspBREzeck9VPCKR3wiT5bXCoh/WCVjMSwsqQ

Can we please do this in English as most devs speak English

To solve the problem with authorization, try to remove 'var' folder and clear cookies from your browser.

Reinstalled the system completely, now in my password field such a hash:

This data is now missing in the password field, but everything works correctly.

bin/console doctrine:query:sql "UPDATE user SET password = 'the password in hash' WHERE username = 'admin';"

And if algorithm: auto it is posible your system does not work with argon2. SQL another user you know the password of and change the hashed password to the password you know in the database

I can’t understand why now, after reinstalling the system, I do not have this data in the password field
$ argon2id $ v = 19 $ m = 65536, t = 4, p =
But the password hash itself is present and everything works fine. Is this so provided when installing the system or what?