
Cannot integrate responsive table in the statement.

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello I'm making a game and some information about bot class are shown in a table to the player in the statement.
Unfortunately, there is too many data in it :
Why is the auto overflow-x not allowed in statements ? It would be really useful.

Indeed. I have whitelisted everything the sanitzation library permits. I'm unsure why it doesn't allow overflow-x... the library isn't up to date on recent CSS properties either so the next step is probably to find a different library. Might take a while.

Indeed. I have whitelisted everything the sanitzation library permits. I'm unsure why it doesn't allow overflow-x... the library isn't up to date on recent CSS properties either so the next step is probably to find a different library. Might take a while.

Seems like the overflow can be recognized by the sanitizer according to this answer

Any news ?

Yes, I saw that it was stated in the CSS Schema, and I have allowed everything I possibly can without custom code. However, as you saw, it's still not allowing the overflow.

I have updated the dependency in case this solves thie issue.