
Lint checks fail in generated app

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After generating a new app using the generator, I tried running yarn lint and got a number of errors:

   1:1  warning  Definition for rule 'import/no-named-default' was not found   import/no-named-default
   1:1  warning  Definition for rule 'react/jsx-tag-spacing' was not found     react/jsx-tag-spacing
   1:1  warning  Definition for rule 'react/no-array-index-key' was not found  react/no-array-index-key
   7:1  error    'describe' is not defined                                     no-undef
   8:3  error    'test' is not defined                                         no-undef
  11:5  error    'expect' is not defined                                       no-undef

The first three warnings were reported for every file in the project; the latter three only for this file.

It looks like what is happening is that the local package.json is installing different versions of the eslint plugins than @zeal/react-scripts and eslint is loading the wrong versions.