
Crash issue

Trollan opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, first of all I love your scripts and the work you do, in this case I wanted to comment on a bug that was impossible to see on the test server because it does not happen with 2 or 3 clients in the race, but on the main server When approximately 8 clients go to a race, when you start the race you crash all those who were participating. If you want to see it, I can try to make a video with the logs in case you are interested since I saw that you keep this project active.

  1. Does it crash instantly on race start?
  2. WHEN does it crash exactlu? When starting? When the timer has counted down? When people hit the first checkpoint?
  3. Does it crash on all setup settings?
  4. Did you change anything in the config?
  5. Any crash logs?

A video could help, but client logs (with debug enabled) would be better. This will be impossible to debug for me but I'll try to see if I can spot anything that would cause this.

Also, does it crash on all tracks? I know before someone had an issue with it crashing when a track had to many checkpoints for example.

No, it is not on all the tracks, the users in charge of the illegal races on my server did many races, some with more than 500 points that worked and other smaller ones with 100 that did not, however I think it failed depending on the route.

I'm trying to test to give you an error log but it's difficult for me to do it on the official server without disturbing users.

The crash occurs when you press the start button, that's for sure once you have chosen the race and everything.

The race start but a lot of peoples crash when it start
No errors in server
no errors in client

Ah. Yeah it crashes cause you're asking GTA to spawn in Checkpoints * 2 entities.

100-500 checkpoints is kinda insane if you think about it like that haha. So yeah, can't really support that.
Thought I added a notification when creating to many checkpoints but guess I forgot

The last time someone reported this they had tracks with ~100 checkpoints that would sometimes break the script.