Node.js stream for logging to s3 with rotated object names. Usable as a winston-file stream.
- 4
Update dependency to remove deprecated packages
#54 opened by anupa87 - 11
No new logs being created
#51 opened by paul-uz - 1
- 1
Nothing in bucket, no errors thrown
#50 opened by paul-uz - 6
- 3
s3-streamlogger version ^1.7.0 is encountering an error as Region is missing
#48 opened by crissiaccubits - 1
- 2
Move to AWS SDK v3
#43 opened by gkentr - 1
- 3
flushFile does not seem to work as intended
#35 opened by alexrkopp - 7
- 1
- 7
How to use it winston-daily-rotate-file?
#20 opened by basilaiman - 1
Add in AWS S3 Storage Class option
#38 opened by todurnatesh - 2
- 3
typo in repo description
#36 opened by imgntn - 2
- 1
- 2
Suggestion to add option for content type
#30 opened by pwages - 3
#27 opened by tuananhcwrs - 2
File name format for tails3
#21 opened by jregist - 4
How to pipe streamlogger to stdout
#19 opened by loretoparisi - 1
Add provision to tag the log files
#14 opened by raiyankamal - 2
what configuration should i use if i want to upload on every 200kb or 1 minute, but never upload to the same file name twice, eg: avoid Versioning
#11 opened by yosiweinreb - 10
- 1
Required fields are not required
#6 opened by sergio-doman - 5
RequestTimeout error
#4 opened by raeesaa