Significance of web-hooks in buildon
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I tried to turn OFF the web-hook and I can modify the Jenkins file through Jenkinsfile editor and check-in.
When web-hook is turned ON I can commit the Jenkins file through editor. What is the significance of this ON option?Will it trigger build on automatically?
When Webhook is ON, commit given directly from the framework i.e when commit given from the SCM , BuildOn for that commit gets triggered automatically. (This will call the Python service webhook configured in your repository settings).
When Webhook is OFF - using editor developer can make any number of changes to Jenkinsfile and but can ONLY check-in the code to repository. No BuildOn will be triggered.
But BuildOn will always be triggered when given from UI irrespective of webhook status.
Thanks for the information.
What is the Payload URL for setting up webhook in SCM?
Do you have any documentation on this setup?
http://KUBE_MASTER_IP:5000/setup (Python service running on port 5000)
'setup' is the function in where SCM commit's payload will be delivered.