
Challenge not displaying while clicking on it in /challenges

besnardf opened this issue · 5 comments

As an administrator, create a challenge.
Then go to /challenges.
The challenge should appear but while clicking on it in order to get further information such as the description or the Submit flag form, nothing happens. - - [17/May/2018 12:06:57] "GET /chals/1 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [17/May/2018 12:06:57] "GET /plugins/challenges/assets/standard-challenge-modal.js?_=1526551614470 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

These GET requests are made but nothing happens.

Response for GET /chals/1 HTTP 1.1 :

  "category": "zae", 
  "description": "aze", 
  "files": [], 
  "hidden": false, 
  "hints": [], 
  "id": 1, 
  "max_attempts": 0, 
  "name": "zae", 
  "tags": [], 
  "type": "standard", 
  "type_data": {
    "id": "standard", 
    "name": "standard", 
    "scripts": {
      "create": "/plugins/challenges/assets/standard-challenge-create.js", 
      "modal": "/plugins/challenges/assets/standard-challenge-modal.js", 
      "update": "/plugins/challenges/assets/standard-challenge-update.js"
    "templates": {
      "create": "/plugins/challenges/assets/standard-challenge-create.njk", 
      "modal": "/plugins/challenges/assets/standard-challenge-modal.njk", 
      "update": "/plugins/challenges/assets/standard-challenge-update.njk"
  "value": 1

If it can help, I have the same problem with the TAMUCTF theme.

I have the same issue. It's a compatibility issue with the latest version of CTFd. Were you able to get it fixed?

The issue appears to remain. I attempted to fix it by replacing chalboard.js in this theme with the chalboard.js from the CTFd 'core' theme which it ships with, but to no avail.