
Form for adding answers don't show

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This form is disappeared on the question view's page in v5.3 (for non-admins with the default plugin's settings).
After debugging I notice that this code (from previous version) is returns form again:

if (!($container instanceof ElggGroup)) {

  return !questions_limited_to_groups();


in function questions_can_ask_question() of lib/functions.php

I'm unable to reproduce this. Both with user questions and a question in a group.

Could you provide me with steps to reproduce

User 1 adds a new Q:

User 2 trying to answer but can not see a form for it:

Admin can see but not a user.

No 3rd-party plugins installed.
I've tried it with the deactivated Groups -- no results.

The Questions' settings are:

Works with the above 'hack' only