
error when deleting questions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

when I delete a question I get the following error (but the question is still deleted):

Fatal error: Call to a member function getGUID() on a non-object in /elggsite/mod/elgg-questions/pages/questions/owner.php on line 27

after deleting a question you are forwarded to the listing of other question from the same owner / group. Can you confirm that the url where you are forwarded to is something like /questions/owner/[guid]? Is that a valid guid? You should have the same problem if you would navigate to questions from a specific user or a listing in a group. Only if the guid is not existing anymore after deleting the question, this could be the problem

Can't test it right now as I removed the plugin again. maybe it is related to the fact that I only added a single question and deleted that question afterwards, e.g. returning the questions plugin to a blank state?

I'm closing this ticket as i am unable to reproduce it. If you try the plugin again another time and you run into the same problem you can reopen the ticket